Thursday, May 12, 2011

who should support whom .... everyone needs consideration

I know having TS makes you realise how little most people without it actally understand about what it 'feels like' or exactly what difficulties you experience (I include many doctors/professionals in this too). However when you live with someone (e.g. your child/parent/partner etc) who has TS, I think it is possible to gain a very good insight and know almost as much as a TSer. The frustrating thing for parents, if they don't have TS and so have by definition usually little experience if thier child is young, is that it is all so bewildering and they need to understand quickly and get necessary support. If you are a parent with TS (I am) then you will be already well-equipped to raise your child if they have TS and give them the help they may need.

I am very aware that non-TS parents are very much present on FB groups etc, but I can also understand why and it is up to those of us who can offer advice and support to offer it when we can. There are, sometimes, complaints that non-TS parents completely take over support groups. The TS parents probably don't need to discuss personal issues quite so much online. It is also acceptable to discuss personal experiences (although not voluminously!) in such groups when it adds to the general understanding about TS, helps others and especially if it is in response to a request for advice from a parent. Don't forget there are many young people on support pages too who have TS and are able to offer a lot of advice. Many are amazingly knowledgable, very articulate and care about others who are having difficulties. 

There is also the issue of tolerance. TS can make people express themselves in a certain way that doesn't always accord with others. They can also be less inhibited and provocative. Everyone needs to show tolerance and to give others a bit of lee-way however having TS is not an excuse for being rude or discriminatory intentionally. Blogs are a great idea for posting personal stories and should be used more (ideally links can be posted on FB/Twitter so others can follow).