Wednesday, May 04, 2011

never give up ....

True, having Tourette Syndrome can feel like "being on the edge of a roof .... all the time". Life with TS can sometimes leave you feeling that it is easier to not even attempt to try the things that others appear to be able to do with great ease. You can feel that because you have more challenges to face in achieving life's ambitions that really you don't have a chance with many things. It is certainly true that most of the difficulties are not due to your own limitations but are usually a consequence of the unwillingness or opposition imposed on you by by others. This may be due to their misconceptions and lack of understanding or merely an expression of their lack of tolerance or even willful prejudice towards people with TS.

My feeling is that even if you don't think you have a 'chance', you should still pursue your dreams and ambitions to the furthest point you can go. You should never be willing to give up because others tell you that you cannot do something. At least show what you can do, not just to prove people wrong but for yourself and all the other people with disadvantages such as TS. Along the way you may help educate some people and spread awareness which can then seed better understanding and acceptance in others and so help make the future a better one for children and young people growing up with a neurological or other disorder ....