Saturday, May 14, 2011

not the individual who decides they are not fit to work it is employers

If there wasn't so much prejudice and discrimination in the UK, toward people with neuro-developmental disorders such as autism and Tourette Syndrome, many would not have to claim Disability Living Allowance or ESA or be assessed by organisations such as ATOS with doubtful medical expertise. Many with TS know they are able to do so much in life and have valuable abilities -all they requie is the opportunity. They do not need to be assessed regularly to determine their 'fitness to work'. Their 'disability' is life-long and neuro-developmental, it will not miraculously disappear or be 'cured' between successive assessments. It is employers who ultimately decide they are not 'fit to work' when they choose to disregard an application or make you redundant. Naturally no discrimination is admitted. There are always other 'plausible' but nevertheless transparent excuses made. What the UK needs is a REAL Disability Discrimination Act that is rigorously applied, to prevent people with 'disabilties' being trapped (often in near poverty) because they are denied similar opportunities to others. The UK allows shocking levels of discrimination towards people with disabilities (even when they might not regard themselves as disabled) and any official or legal complaint tends to be disregarded. It starts at school where teachers are often the principle source of bullying and continues through to adult life. Discrimination in the UK is frequently institutionalised and is seen even in government (e.g. House of Commons) and the BBC where few employees have disabilities!

A dramatic cut in the availability of benefits to those with disabilities could mean many will not  have sufficient income to live on if they are not able to secure employment due to discrimination. The UK has no advocacy to help such people negotiate with potential employers nor can most afford legal representation to tackle discrimination.