Wednesday, May 04, 2011

being disciplined just for being different

Punishing a child (or adult) for unintentional actions or behaviours that are a consequence of Tourette Syndrome is so damaging and akin to bullying. Would a teacher admonish or punish a child with cerebral palsy because they spoke or moved in the wrong way? Children with TS seem always to have to endure this kind of treatment and people just can't understand how unacceptable it is. It is unfair and inhuman to constantly bring to attention to, or demean someone for, something they cannot help and which may be a life-long impairment. Despite the many years of hard work, devoted to educating the public, educators and doctors about TS, by various organisations and individuals, such ignorance continues. Children actually seem more able to accept differences once they are explained to them and are willing to learn where adults may remain unmoved or resistant to education.