Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Student with Asperger's takes own life

Article published: 08/12/2010 16:30 - Updated: 08/12/2010 16:53 (article/s now been removed from internet)

Medical student took his own life 
by Julian Makey

"A medical student at Cambridge University killed himself after his bid to take 
a crucial exam for the third time was rejected, bringing his career to an end. 
Ronjoy Sanyal, 26, wrote a long report before his death in which he said he 
had not been best served by the university, an inquest was told. 
Mr Sanyal, of Roseford Road, Cambridge, injected himself with a lethal 
dose of nicotine and was found dead at his home after his parents raised 
the alarm with a neighbour. 
The Gonville and Caius student, who had Asperger’s Syndrome, which can 
cause communications problems, killed himself in July after being told that 
his application to take a paediatrics exam for an unprecedented third time 
had been unsuccessful. 
Mr Sanyal was said to have previously considered taking his own life in 
2006 after running into earlier problems in his medical training. 
Coroner David Morris recorded a verdict that Mr Sanyal took his own life 
after being told that he could not qualify as a doctor. 
He said: “It is a great tragedy and lessons need to be learned. I am sure 
lessons have been learned and will be learned.” 
Dr Diana Wood, director of medical education at the university, said Mr 
Sanyal had been given extra support, but concerns remained over him, 
particularly because of his problems in communication. 
She said changes had since been introduced so that students’ progress 
could be monitored more closely and more personal support was available."